The troop committee is a cross between a board of directors and a parent support group. It sets troop policies and handles administrative functions, allowing the Scoutmaster and assistant Scoutmasters to focus on working directly with the Scouts.
A robust troop committee supports an effective scouting program. The below is a list of common and desirable roles for adults within the troop committee.
- Keep minutes of meeting and send out committee meeting notices.
- Handle publicity.
- Prepare a family newsletter of troop events and activities.
- Conduct troop resource survey.
- Plan for family night programs and family activities.
- At each meeting, report the minutes of the previous meeting.
- Handle all troop funds. Pay bills on recommendation of the Scoutmaster and authorization of the troop committee.
- Maintain checking and/or savings accounts.
- Train and supervise the troop scribe in record keeping.
- Keep adequate records.
- Supervise money-earning projects, including obtaining proper authorizations.
- Supervise the camp savings plan.
- Lead in the preparation of the annual troop budget.
- Lead the Friends of Scouting campaign.
- Report to the troop committee at each meeting.
Outdoor Activities Coordinator
- Help in securing permission to use camping sites.
- Serve as transportation coordinator.
- Ensure a monthly outdoor program.
- Promote the National Camping Award.
- Promote, through family meetings, attendance at troop campouts, camporees, and summer camp to reach the goal of an outing per month.
- Report to the troop committee at each meeting.
Advancement Coordinator
- Encourage Scouts to advance in rank.
- Work with the troop scribe to maintain all Scout advancement records.
- Arrange quarterly troop boards of review and courts of honor.
- Recruit merit badge counselors.
- Make a prompt report of advancements using online tools or appropriate paper forms to the council service center. Secure badges and certificates.
- Work with the troop librarian to build and maintain a troop library of merit badge pamphlets and other advancement literature.
- Report to the troop committee at each meeting.
- Provide a spiritual tone for troop meetings and activities.
- Give guidance to the chaplain aide.
- Promote regular participation of each member in the activities of the religious organization of their choice.
- Encourage Scouts to earn their appropriate religious emblems.
- Report to the troop committee at each meeting.
Training Coordinator
- Ensure troop leaders and committee members have opportunities for training.
- Maintain an inventory of up-to-date training materials and resources.
- Be responsible for Youth Protection Training compliance within the troop.
- Encourage periodic youth leadership training within the troop and at the council and national levels.
- Report to the troop committee at each meeting.
- Assist in orientation to new parents.
- Be watchful that the troop is taking all steps to ensure youth safety.
Equipment COordinator
- Supervise and help the troop procure camping equipment.
- Work with the quartermaster on inventory and proper storage and maintenance of all troop equipment.
- Make periodic safety checks on all troop camping gear, and encourage the troop in the safe use of all outdoor equipment.
- Report to the troop committee at each meeting.
Membership Coordinator
- Develop a plan for year-round membership flow into the troop.
- Work closely with the Cubmaster and Webelos/AOL den leaders of neighboring Cub Scout packs to provide a smooth transition from pack to troop. Assist in developing and recruiting den chiefs, and assist in the crossover ceremony.
- Plan and coordinate troop open houses to invite non-Scouts into the troop.
- Encourage Scouts to invite their friends to the troop.
- Keep track of Scouts who drop out of the troop, and develop a plan to encourage them to region.
- Report to the troop committee at each meeting.
This is not an exhaustive list of positions a troop may need. Troops are encouraged to engage all parents in a role that suits their skills and interests.
The essential support literature for troop committee members is the Scouting America publication Scouts BSA Troop Committee Guidebook.