Archery, Rifle Shooting, and Shotgun Shooting merit badge pamphlets; BSA National Shooting Sports Manual
Barsness, John. Shotguns for Wingshooting. Krause Publications, 1999.
Batha, Chris. Breaking Clays: Target Tactics, Tips & Techniques. Stackpole Books, 2005.
Bourjaily, Phil. Field & Stream Shotgun Guide. Field & Stream, 2013.
Brannon, Mark, and Tom Hanrahan. Shooting Sporting Clays. Stackpole Books, 2011.
Heiple, King. Mastering Skeet: Fundamental Shooting Techniques for Hitting the Target in Championship Form. Stackpole Books, 2007.
McIntosh, Michael. Shotguns & Shooting, volumes 1 and 2. Derrydale Press, 2014.
Muramatsu, Kevin. The Gun Digest Book of Shotguns Assembly/Disassembly. Gun Digest, 2012.
National Rifle Association. The Basics of Rifle Shooting. NRA, 1987.
National Rifle Association. The Basics of Shotgun Shooting. NRA, 1985.
Russell, John. Trapshooting Secrets, 2nd ed. JRC Publishing, 1999.
Organizations and Websites
Amateur Trapshooting Association
National Rifle Association Programs and Services
National Shooting Sports Foundation
National Skeet Shooting Association/National Sporting Clays Association
Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation
Shotgun Sports Magazine
USA Shooting (Olympics)
Related Program Features
Archery, Rifle Shooting, Spectator Sports
Photo and Illustration Credits
(Scouter using shotgun, BSA file;, courtesy: clay pigeons, ©Pavel Hlystov; shotgun, ©Militarist; shotgun shells, ©poramesstock) (illustrations, BSA/John McDearmon),
(clay pigeon, BSA file; Scouter using shotgun, BSA file)
We are grateful to Mark Belli, National Rifle Association, Gastonia, North Carolina; Larry Bahler, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma; and Jim Virgin, Vancouver, Washington, for their help with developing the Shotgun Shooting program feature.