Using Technology to Highlight Scouting Adventures
It was not too long ago that short films or even commercials were major productions that required a lot of equipment, film developing, and a tedious editing process that involved literally splicing together the film stock. Distribution was handled by physically transporting film cans from place to place.
Now, in the digital age, anyone can plan, shoot, edit, and distribute a short film. What used to require professional production facilities can be accomplished with a simple camera and a laptop. In fact technology is so advanced today that this can be done directly from most smartphones, and thanks to the advent of YouTube and social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter, showing the films to others is easier than ever.
This module will explore how to script, shoot, edit, and distribute a short film. Learning these skills will allow your troop, team, or crew to share its adventures. And who knows—maybe you will discover the next J.J. Abrams, James Cameron, or Steven Spielberg in your midst.